PC & Tech Authority is one of the biggest and most important IT media in Australia. In their Auguest 2015 issue, the experts take a closer look at the new Vigor2860ac, which a xDSL router comes with an intetrated 802.11ac Wi-Fi.
DrayTek has packed the Vigor2860ac full of high-end enterprise level features such as the following:
Objected Firewall
"You can filter traffic down to the protocol (i.e: web, P2P, etc.) beyound basic ports, so if someone on your network just uses a blocked service on a different port than standard, you can still block the traffic. ...... There's support for Cyren GlobalView based filtering, which adds the ability to restrict categories of websites, such as shopping or adult sites for example."
Network Traffic Analyzer
"DrayTek include its SmartMonitor network traffic analyzer in the Vigor2860ac, giving you a greate overview of who's using what and what services are using the most traffic."
Centralized Management
"DrayTek has a feature called Central VPN Management, allowing relatively easy VPN setup all from a centralised location. There's a plethora of VPN options in the Vigor2860ac's firmware too, even the ability to trunk VPNs over multiple WAN connections for increased bandwidht." Furthermore, the Vigor2860ac comes with all VPN features (PPTP/L2TP/IPsec/SSL) and it is perfectly suitable as a SOHO/SMB Wi-Fi router.
DrayTek also manufacture wireless access points and Vigor2860ac can act as a centralised management interfacce for multiple acces points spread around a large area. It is a greate feature for extending a wireless network without a loss of performance, or for balancing a high amount of wireless users over multiple access points to prevent congestion.

For an online preview of this article, please go to : http://www.pcauthority.com.au/Review/406450,review-draytek-vigor-2860ac-vdsl2-security-firewall.aspx#ixzz3iSytYM31